About Me

Me-Profile-ShotJust who is this Chick?

Greetings and Salutations. Or, as I should say, “Bonjour!”

My name’s Kathy – and I’m a Francophile. And Book Lover.

I’m also sucker for the Tourist “sites” and I want to visit EVERYthing.

I’ve had a pretty long love affair with the City of Light.

This romance began when, as a kid, I found my mom’s class ring which had the Eiffel Tower on it. She’d lived in Paris while in high school. It was love at first sight. I knew that one day I would make it to France.

My dad wanted me to learn Spanish in high school. It was more “practical”, he said. I was never one for being practical. I wanted to learn French. I mean, I wanted to visit France one day! How useful was Spanish going to be?

In university, I took French to complete my degree, and after finishing my studies I thought maybe I should have taken my French studies a bit further. So, I found myself a tutor. That was totally the way to go for me.

About a year after graduating, I fell into a job as a video editor. I remember saying in the interview that I was going to move to France in a year or two. I got the job. A year or two turned into more. A lot more.

Finally, as the big Three-Oh (30) was fast approaching, I decided I must put my money where my mouth was.
It was now or never.
So I chose ‘Now’.
I left my job, sold my house and moved to France.
Good thing I took French.

That was 2003. It was only supposed to be for 10 months. It ended up being much longer than that.

I came back to the States with an English degree (oh, the irony), a French diploma or two, a Masters writing on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and being able to say that I’ve been to Transylvania. And having visited a lot of places in Paris. Multiple times.

After spending nearly a decade in Paris, I know a lot of things things to see and places to go that won’t break the bank.

This is the site that lets me share them with you.

Happy Travels!